I finished putting together a 2d character design portfolio so I'm pretty happy about that, and now on to all the other things I have to do... oh boy. The Earthworm Jim I drew was for one of my instructors who has been super kind and supportive of me. I still think its not much in showing my thanks but I hope he likes it! The other two are just cropped from larger pages with more characters for my portfolio.
I would like to say that Gurihiru is still inspiring and influencing me so much. I don't know where I would be without their great artworks. So, these works were inspired by them as well as others... I have been using blue and red color pencils because of Sasaki, the pencil and ink artist. I know traditional animators have been doing that for a long time, but it's new for me and I love it. Thank you Gurihiru~!
NY Comic Con
OK- so my super late NY comic con report! Time to sound geeky. It was super awesome!!! I enjoyed it a lot and want to go again next year. I definitely got worn out by the second day but everything I did on the first made it more than worth it to me. I got to see a number of artists I admire, for instance I got to meet "Cheeks" in person and even get a Robin head sketch! He is a really friendly guy, it helped me feel less nervous meeting one of my big art-role models, haha.
I also could've gotten an autograph from Jim Lee but I wanted to try getting a sketch and the time I saw him it was autographs only... so I tried for the next day but didn't see him again. :( I even brought my Hush book to sign- ah man!
I bought two artbooks and many cool comic books; some I knew of and others I am new to like "Atomic Robo"! With all the stuff I have to do I haven't gotten to read them yet (for shame!) but I know they will all be great. I want to sit back and enjoy them once all my work is done.
The creators of Avatar were there too! I saw special concept art, preview trailers, and clips of the upcoming episodes, it was crazy... fangirls were screaming there heads off. I now have an Avatar poster on my wall signed by Bryan and Mike!
Next time I would like to have more energy to do more things, like spend more time in the artist alley~ and to get more autographs I missed! I look forward to next year.
Heyy Earth Worm Jim came out great sure its going to make Dan happy
lucky you get to go. I was completely swamped by the projects to even think about going. ;_;
comicon was fun
great drawings xP
very nice drawings
good job
all the pics here are cool, but the earthworm jim is my favorite. its very well painted! dan must've loved it.
and comic con was an awesome experience! too bad we can't join the artist alley... O_o
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