Saturday, January 26, 2008

catch the 3:10

today's lil' bit of progress. :) I hope the train station makes a cool impression with the graffiti.


wtCrossing said...

hot damn, that is very very coool, my eyes widened on sight of it. looking foward to publishing this comment so i can take a better look at it =)

David Han said...

i want to go there....even though it'll probably be all hot and dry, haha. very cool train many colors...neat shapes and designs....still amazed. o___o;;

dae lee said...

sweeeet stufff man :U
i wannt to see the city when it's completed haha
i want to see your guys' progress!!!! excited man...gotta visit you guys soon

dwh said...

Sweet! Now everything is its own canvas.

dwh said...

Ah, you updated the banner up top too! Powerlines, telephone poles, and a few red warning lights for low flying aircraft... or alien eggs. ;)

Unknown said...

looks great =)

are you going to texture every single building or like just the front ones? can't wait to see more!

Eric said...

thanks for all the comments guys- i really appreciate it! and yes- all the buildings will have some kind texture (that's why it takes so looonggg) haha

Christine Y. Chong said...

yes, i think it will. :D