... this week the topic with my friends was "zombies". My favorite zombie has gotta be Zabel Zarock, or Lord Raptor in US... so this was a quick doodle. That eyeball thing is his sidekick so to say. This is a good segway into working on contest pieces for Udon's Darkstalkers Tribute book. I'll try my best and hope for the best.
Heh...zombies! XD Love the colors, man. Good luck on your segway into the DarkStalkers contest - may you get high up there, if not one of those lucky few who get published.
Honestly, I hate zombies... I don't mind the undead so much (vampire, reanimated Frankensteins, ghosts, etc) but not a zombie fan (which isn't to say I hate killing zombies in games or watching zombie films).
Raptor is a rare exception because he's so decidedly un-zombie-like. He was fast and agile long before The House of the Dead or 28 Days made it vogue. Clean and colorful, rather than rotting and matte. Lively and intelligent instead of brain obsessed drone. Definitely my favorite zombie. :P
FYI, I'm on a random western kick (rewatched The Quick & The Dead, finally watching the last season of Deadwood which I never got to, etc.) and randomly came across this quirky anime western comedy up on Hulu...
Hope you're doing well!
nevermind about the anime... it's not very good at all. :P
rawr... Donovan pwns Raptor!! Wait, scratch that... Anita pwns ALL! ^_-
haha- thanks guys!! :)
Ann- I appreciate it, I am going all out!
Dave- I agree, super rotting zombies can be disturbing and yet, I still really like zombies... must be a love of RE that completes that. And Raptor!
Allen- hehe, I am planning an Anita picture actually. :)
OH man I wish I had not neglected that forum, it seems eerily empty now.
Also, I miss your mad awesome and enviable drawing skillllzzzzz!! We really must collaborate again on something, despite damnable life busy-ness.
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