While it was crunch time last week at work I managed to do some fun coloring of some older sketches I had from September. The idea in the third picture was to make Nightcrawler look older with grey hair and a beard. Hope it works!
Oct 29th, 2008 - and let's go back in time even further with more sketches.

Though it's not time yet, back on DA I wanted to thank people for their awesome support. I couldn't thank everyone so I went the way of first come first serve for five free sketches. They could request any superhero, and I'd try my hand at it. It's also a good transition into eventually doing some commissions!
Here's the description for that creepy Batman one:
"Now this isn't to be unfair or anything, but I just had to ink this one. She asked me to draw the 1966's tv show Batman. I did a few sketches of his normal Adam West body shape with some goofy poses and expressions, but in the end I just wanted to draw a buff Batman with the 1966 look... and smiling... plus some love handles!
The Batman symbol was totally small and in the middle like that on the show, that's not a mistake- but the hands I drew are horrendous. As for the not shaded cape, it's a compositional thing... I like the balance the picture has with just a few black areas.
p.s.-The black was colored with washable crayola marker..."
It was really fun drawing these, and the recipients liked them!